“Inspired by magic realism and the current human condition, Curiel’s work mixes the real and unreal aspects of dream states as reflections on Latin American cultural and literary references, as well as elements of ritual, mystery, and symbolism.”

- Artist Statement
The works are a collision of themes related to migration, immigration, belonging, and identity placed within the complex, highly emotional coded world of youth. His work evokes a dreamlike state that represents the confusion and fragility of coming of age as the embodiment of the struggle for identity and a sense of belonging.
The work also explores the influence memories and dreams have on the construction of identity.


Christian was born in Puerto Rico to Cuban parents and moved to Miami at a young age where he was raised before heading off to Yale University in the early 2000’s. His passion for education has earned him professor roles at Yale, Southern Connecticut State University, and Broward College among other Teaching Artist roles. In addition to his solo practice, Curiel is a member of the 4-artist collective called FeCuOp, who have produced works together for more than a decade.